Thursday, January 28, 2010

Menemsha Films Review Pt. 2: Beauty in Trouble, and Rashevski's Tango

Today I'm giving you an outsider's perspective, Tim Boxer of 15 Minutes Magazine, on two of our newer dvd releases, Beauty in Trouble and Rashevski's Tango.

Beauty In Trouble is an endearing slice of life in the Czech Republic involving a woman with two kids and a no-goodnik of a husband who runs a chop shop. He’s caught and imprisoned, and she runs off with a sympathetic older gentleman to his comfortable home in Tuscany. A heart warming story, funny at times, that ends with the woman, whom the older man and we, the viewers, have fallen for, having phone sex with the husband she abandoned who’s back at their Czech home. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out a woman. Menemsha Films, 109 minutes, Czech language with English subtitles.

Rashevski’s Tango is a film from Belgium in which writer/director Sam Garbarski sets out to prove that a tango is just as good a healer as chicken soup. You can dance around that statement but that’s what he maintains. The death of family matriarch Rosa Rashevski, a Holocaust survivor, leaves chaos in its wake, as well as the age-old predicament: What does it mean to be Jewish? Much soul searching among three generations, including Rosa’s son and his Christian wife, a granddaughter who seeks a Jewish husband but falls in love with a gentile who at least knows how to tango, a grandson involved with a French Muslim woman, and a brother-in-law who assumes the role as the new head of the family. Funny and absorbing. Menemsha Films, 97 minutes, French language with English subtitles.

You can find these reviews along with many others Here at 15 Minutes Magazine.

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